Breton Ability Centre Board Member
Sharon Murchison graduated from Dalhousie and University of Manitoba in the field of physiotherapy and has spent 25 years in that practice serving as a staff therapist and later as Director of the Department. She has also served in Executive positions in the Physiotherapy Professional Associations at both a Provincial and National level.
The next 12 years were served as a Health Administrator in Continuing
Care in the then Cape Breton District Health Authority, providing oversight to Long Term Care beds, Restorative and Rehabilitation facilities, and Adult Day Centers in the Community.
After retirement in 2010, Sharon joined the Board of Directors of Breton Ability Center, fulfilling the roles of Chair of Finance and Audit for 2 years, followed by Chair of the Board for 2 years. Following a mandatory leave from the Board after two full terms, Sharon has now returned to sit on the Board for another term.